FOFA Year in Review | 2023-2024

Central Cass Friends of Fine Arts Annual Report 2023-2024

The Central Cass Friends of Fine Arts had an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G 2023-24 year!
The Year-End-Report reveals our continued commitment to our students in the arts.

Established 501(c)(3), non-profit status

Edited and revised organization bylaws

Re-established a 9-member board

Brought on 3 student representatives


Student Representatives: Greta Olsen, Jazmine Brewer, Mason Vance


Designed new website

Updated branding + print media

Serviced grand piano with designated funds from the Rural Cass Community Theater

Provided ticket sales and concessions at Summerfest variety show

Purchased organization system for theater costumes/props

Designed concert programs

Reserved VIP seating for donors

Streamed concerts on YouTube

Recognized alum “In The Spotlight” for contributions in the arts

Recognized volunteers “Behind the Curtain” for behind the scenes work with CC arts

Funded and served pizza dinner for Marine Band Concert attendees

Arranged volunteers for musical and concerts

Provided paint and fabric for set

Furnished some props and some costumes

Took actor headshots and printed actor posters & locker signs

Printed musical posters & “Annie” stickers

Funded stage makeup and makeup artist

Sold flowers provided by Casselton Floral at musical

Designed, printed and distributed hardcopy programs for “Annie”

Provided goodie bags to musical cast

Designed musical t-shirts

Organized individual student signs for state band, choir and speech

Displayed individual students signs on highway for state music send-off

Provided treat bags for students traveling to arts’ activities

Funded registration fee for art students to enter art in the MSUM high school art show

Arranged arts’ clothing options through North Dakota Tough

Served cookies and punch at fall and spring art shows

Sold concessions at fall youth music festival and musical

Recognized students’ achievements in the arts on social media platforms

Invested in professional photography & band/choir banners

Secured community endowment grant for purchase of art show display items

Purchased two (2) moveable art display walls with special donation for visual arts

Provided six (6) scholarships to International Music Camp

We invite you to join us or continue to support us on our important mission of supporting the Central Cass arts’ programs.




Family | $50

Casselton Drug
Aric & Wendy Christiansen
Jerome & Lori Crandall
Mike & Ann Faught
Tricia Gegelman
Jason & Mistie Holland
Shirley Johnston
Michelle Kappes
Greg & Susan Kempel
Bill & Amy Kensok
Leo & Alexia Kieffer
Lee & Sheila Krueger
Paul & Lisa Kunze
Ritchie & Joy Larson
Travis & Tami Lemar
Malinda Lindstrom
Stefanie & Ryan Meyer
Jamie & Lisa Narum
Sandra Nystrom
Adrienne & Aaron Olson
Howard & Dana Olson
Mary Beth Pilon
Nick & Brandy Pyle
David & Sabrina Roy
Steve & Nicole Scherweit
Jennifer Schmaltz
Dick & Irene Sinner
Joe & Tracy Sinner
Pat & Janelle Stahl
Mark & Bernadine Vrchota
Mark & Barb Wieland

Friend | $100

Stephen & Denise Bartholomay
Jayson & Kelli Bowen
Dustin & Sarah Burchill
Betsy & Jack Dalrymple
Morgan Forness
Damon & Heather Gleave
Kristen Hackmann
Ken & Cindy Hejl
Robin & Cindy Jensen
Jerry’s Excavating Inc.
Just Be Travel Co.
Michael Karels & April Rohrer
Jack & Mary Kensok
Margaret Kensok
Shari Kensok
Terry Kensok
Dane & Kristine Larsen
Harold & Susy Lemar
Steve & Stacy Link
Gwen & Del Losing
Phillip & Maari Loy
Gerald & Hattie Melvin
Brad & Dana Parkhouse
Carl & Julie Peterson
Steve & Melissa Poulson
Brian & Rochelle Rieck
Michael & Judi Scherweit
Joyce & Kelsey Schmaltz
Jayme & Katie Steig
Cindy Waldahl
Jonathan & Amy Warrey
Todd Weber Farms
Dan & Carol Weber
Mark Weber

Bronze | $250

@602 Meeting Space
Mark & Bridget Belter
Brent & Kelly Everson
Everson-Rose Family
Legacy Learning PreSchool
Maple River Grain & Agronomy
Kent & Terri Monilaws
Renae Nelson
Ohnstad Twichell Law Firm
Paul & Kristen Olsen
David & Marie Piper
Rob & Jenifer Punton
Alex & Mary Richard
Todd & Alana Sears
Weber Insurance Agency
Zeitlos Studios

Silver | $500

Scott & Karen Kost
Randy & Kristi Melvin
Remington Seeds
Eric & Carrie Voightman
James & Kristen Williams

Gold | $1,000

Julie Burgum
Krueger Concrete & Steel



Mary Kensok

Kristen Olsen

Heidi Krueger
Board Member

Jennifer Schmaltz
Vice President

Julia Barnes

Maari Loy
Board Member

Bridget Belter

Rochelle Rieck
Board Member

Sarah Burchill
Board Member


In the Spotlight | Hillary Ogle


In the Spotlight | Carl Peterson