Behind the Curtain | Mike Faught

There are countless people who are "behind the curtain" when it comes to the success of student programs in the arts. This series showcases those volunteering their time and talents to Central Cass Fine Arts.

Mike Faught | Central Cass Class of 1973
Volunteer Sound & Light Technician

Mike Faught has spent countless hours and years in the Central Cass gymnasiums and a handful in the theater as a volunteer light and sound technician. He worked extensively with Antoinette Babcock for her very involved elementary musical theater productions.

Flipping the calendar back several pages, Mike worked with Jerry Parker and Brad Braaten running sound and lights and setting things up for 4-5-6 grade shows at the former Amenia School.

When the Amenia School closed, the “south gym” became the stage for performances. According to Mike, “We had to bring in the equipment, and there was LOTS of set up because we had to keep tearing it down for phy. ed. classes, wrestling, etc. due to a shortage of gym space. When the school was redone, the new lighting system was very helpful!” Mike said there were always issues because a gymnasium is probably one of the worst places for acoustics, but they were usually able to pull it off. The administration was always supportive.

Once in a while, they would recruit a high school student to help out. Ben Boeshans was one of those students, and according to Mike, “He was all business right from the start, and he wanted to learn.”

Mike helped with high school variety show tech for several years—working with Tom Wald, Diane Huso, Brad Lambrecht, and Darcy Brandenburg.

Last year, Mike was recruited to run the light board for James and the Giant Peach, directed by his niece, Lauren Johnson. The tech board and equipment is literally “light years” ahead in terms of sophistication and improvement as any system Mike has ever sat behind.

Faught enjoyed his time as a volunteer light and sound technician. He enjoyed watching the students perform—especially the plays. “It’s like any sports team. Students have to do their part for the production to be successful, and it’s fun to watch them do that.”


Thanks for all you do, Mike!

“Behind the Curtain” features community volunteers who give their time and talents to the arts. Are you interested in volunteering? Let us know!


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